A flexible and efficient multi-year test framework

Case Study Overview

For more than 20 years, HORIBA MIRA has partnered with a major global vehicle manufacturer to deliver a significant volume of test requirements over a diverse range of engineering disciplines.



The core of this annual contract is its flexibility. HORIBA MIRA works with the manufacturer to pre-plan its test requirements well in advance. This gives early access to facilities that are in high demand. Likewise, it ensures that the manufacturer knows exactly how much it will spend.

Crucially, this approach also makes it extremely straightforward to reallocate funds or reschedule bookings when plans change. Changes can be made in less than 24 hours, with no need for the manufacturer to issue an RFQ or raise a separate purchase order.The framework covers a wide range of test disciplines, including Passive and Active Safety, EMC, Vehicle Dynamics, Proving Ground access, Climatic Testing and Battery Validation.

Where required, the same funds can be applied to any of HORIBA MIRA’s global portfolio of engineering and test capabilities. Although predominantly based in the UK, such projects utilise facilities in Germany and the United States.

Successes and benefits

By utilising HORIBA MIRA’s large and varied portfolio of facilities, the manufacturer has been able to meet numerous test requirements with a single supplier. This has delivered huge efficiency improvements, as well as simplifying budgeting, purchasing and scheduling. Highlights include:

  • Multi-million-pound savings in vehicle shipping and logistical costs
  • Reduction in pricing in line with scalable volume
  • Long term planning enables tests to be booked well in advance, ensuring priority access to busy facilities
  • Complete control over budgeting, including the flexibility to divert resources from the pre-agreed test plan to any of HORIBA MIRA’s global facilities.

This is a truly collaborative partnership. This long-term view gives us a greater understanding of the manufacturer’s needs and allows us to maximise the benefits of the test. It also helps us to identify investment opportunities for new equipment and facilities.
Robert Ripley, Senior Commercial Account Manager

Project Information

Project Information

  • Mixed (Including Vehicle Attribute Engineering, Safety and Propulsion)
  • Passenger Car
  • Location – UK



  • Measurable reductions to test costs
  • Utilisation performance reporting
  • Battery certification approvals (R100 & UN 38.3)
  • NCAP quality crash testing
  • Vehicle benchmarking analysis

HORIBA MIRA is able to fulfil these requirements within one organisation, and typically within one location. From the manufacturer’s perspective, this greatly reduces the logistical demands compared to working with numerous separate suppliers. Meanwhile, the large volume of work enables HORIBA MIRA to offer significantly reduced rates.

Engineering team deployed: Full-time commercial lead and project manager based in the UK, plus access to HORIBA MIRA’s vast range of global test and engineering facilities.