Managing Director
A mechanical engineer by profession, with a Masters in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from Queens University in Belfast, Declan is an experienced professional with a proven track record in technical facility management, and leading high-performance engineering and testing teams.
Prior to joining MIRA, he held a senior role at Mercedes Benz High Performance Engines Ltd, where he was responsible for the assembly and test of engines and kinetic energy recovery systems for a number of leading F1 teams. Previous to this he held senior operational roles with Ricardo in the UK and USA.
In his role as Managing Director, Declan is responsible for developing and implementing the strategic direction of HORIBA MIRA, continuing the development of its engineering and testing services, particularly in new technology areas, ensuring further collaboration with HORIBA in developing test equipment and continuing to expand the business’s international reach through the HORIBA network, particularly in Japan, China, India, Europe and the US.
In April 2023, Declan was promoted at HORIBA Group level to the position of Corporate Officer. In this role he will represent both the MIRA business and the wider HORIBA business, providing opportunities to reinforce MIRA’s capabilities and customer insights within HORIBA.
HORIBA - Global HR Strategy Leader, HORIBA MIRA Ltd – Global people Director
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Technical Officer
Chief Commercial Officer
Executive Chairman HORIBA MIRA | President HORIBA Automotive